Sunday, December 26, 2010


..for not posting. Anyway, look who I found:

my secret brother! Aaaahhhhh! LOL..
Funniest yet, is that MY Secret Sibling is not only the same school, but also has a trident wand. Why is this funny? well, think about why I named my character Thunderthief. Or, more specifically, why I name me PAUL Thunderthief. If you need a hint I'll give you one: Dionysus thinks my name is Paul. Zeus thinks I stole his .. uh... lightning. Oh no. No, no no no no. I did NOT just realize what I named my char. I DO NOT STEAL PEOPLES THUNDER!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I just realized that. So, yeah, I based my character off of the son of Poseidon... thus, the trident.
If you're wondering what a Secret Sibling is I'll tell you: It's someone with the same last name as your character, BUT ONLY IF YOU DID NOT DO THIS ON PURPOSE. So, if you already knew this person when you made your character, or did it on purpose, it doesn't count. A friend of mine Scarlet Griffinrider, has dozens of Secret Siblings. I've seen Rylees, Davids, Catherines, and, once, a Paul. All with the last name Griffinrider. Creepy, huh? Now, you're wondering why this occurs. Well, in case you've forgotten, there is a limited number of names you can give yourself, and with 5 million people playing the game, it's inevitable to have crossovers. Occasionally, a Secret Twin will occur, but this is like seeing a dinosaur .. or seeing Caleb Duskrunner. Why is it like seeing Caleb Duskrunner? Well, my friend Caleb Duskrunner rarely gets on, and when he does he's a level 35 Necromancer wearing a level 45 Myth hat, complete with stats. Why is this so? Well, awhile back, in the patch notes, they said that several hats now had 45 and Myth requirements. BUT, there was a catch. Or, more like a glitch: If you did not meet these requirements, but you were already wearing the hat, then you could still wear it and gain the benefits, AS LONG AS YOU DIDN'T TAKE OFF THE HAT.
A Secret Twin is someone who either,
a)has the same last name and hair color, and eyes and/or skin OR
b)has the same full name and school
Usually a Secret Twin also has the same gender, but not always. Also, when you see my sig thingy at the bottom of the post, don't freak out like, OMG YOU'RE IN THE MILITARY???? It's Latin for 'Always faithful'. Yup, that's me alright. The Always Faithful Paul Thunderthief. Which is, in fact, why I name my blog 'Loyal Diviner'. Anyway, I need to go eat. Bye!
Semper Fi,
Paul Thunderthief


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